Barudstyr til professionelle

Collection: Bar equipment

0 kr"> 0 kr
199 kr"> 199 kr
Product type
41 products
Metal skænkepropper INOX - stykvis
Metal pouring stoppers INOX - individually
10 kr
48% off
Cocktail Fine Strainer 8 cm
Cocktail Fine Strainer 8 cm
Sale price
39 kr
List price
75 kr
26% off
Cocktail Shaker, 3 delt 47 cl - 16 OZ
Cocktail Shaker, 3 part 47 cl - 16 OZ
Sale price
59 kr
List price
79 kr
49% off
Cocktail Strainer - Howthorne -
Cocktail Strainer - Howthorne -
Cocktail Strainer - Hawthorne - 4 cents
Sale price
15 kr
List price
29 kr
12-pak Skænkepropper - Rustfri stål, Free pour
12-pack Pour stoppers - Stainless steel, Free pour
95 kr
12-pak Skænkepropper Plastik Hvid
12-pak Skænkepropper Plastik Hvid
12-pack Pour sprouts Plastic
15 kr
Sold out
Boston Shaker Glas
Boston Shaker Glass
49 kr
51% off
Boston Shaker Vinylbelagt Sort 82 cl - 28 OZ
Boston Shaker Vinyl Coated Black 82 cl - 28 OZ
Sale price
49 kr
List price
99 kr
12 Pak - Skænkepropper - Rustfri stål uden svejsning - med plast luftudtræk
12 Pack - Pour stoppers - Stainless steel without welding - Small holes in bottle
90 kr
Barske Cocktail  med fladt hoved, 25 cm
Harsh Cocktail with flat head, 25 cm
19 kr
51% off
Cocktail Shaker - Kæmpe, 2 delt - 89 cl - 30 OZ
Cocktail Shaker - Huge, 2 part - 89 cl - 30 OZ
Sale price
79 kr
List price
159 kr
Barske Cocktail med rød knop 28 cm / 11 inch
Harsh Cocktail with red knob 28 cm / 11 inch
9 kr
12 pak Skænkepropper Klar uden krave - Medium hastighed
12 pak Skænkepropper Klar uden krave - Medium hastighed
12 pack Ladle Stoppers Ready without collar - Medium speed
39 kr
Barske Cocktail  "Drop in Copenhagen" med dråbe 33 cm - Cocktail Served #
Harsh Cocktail "Drop in Copenhagen" with drop 33 cm
25 kr
12-pak Støv hætte til metal skænkepropper - Cocktail Served #
12-pak Støv hætte til metal skænkepropper - Cocktail Served #
12-pack Dust cap for metal pour sprouts
15 kr
Barske Cocktail med gaffel 43 cm, rustfri stål - Cocktail Served #
Harsh Cocktail with fork 43 cm, stainless steel
29 kr
12-pak - Støvhætte til små skænkepropper
12-pack - Dust cap for small pouring stoppers
19 kr
51% off
12-pak Skænkepropper med krave, Plastik - Hurtig flow
12-pak Skænkepropper med krave, Plastik - Hurtig flow
12-pack Pour sprouts with collar, Plastic - Fast flow
Sale price
29 kr
List price
59 kr
12 pak Skænkepropper Sort  uden krave - Medium hastighed
12 pak Skænkepropper Sort  uden krave - Medium hastighed
12 pack Pour stoppers without collar - Medium speed - 12 pcs
25 kr
Boston Shaker Vinylbelagt Sort 82 cl - 28 OZ med glas eller tin - Cocktail Served #
Boston Shaker Vinylbelagt Sort 82 cl - 28 OZ med glas eller tin - Cocktail Served #
Boston Shaker Vinyl Coated Black 82 cl - 28 OZ
88 kr98 kr
12-pak Skænkepropper Plastik Blå
12-pak Skænkepropper Plastik Blå
12-pack Pour sprouts Plastic
15 kr
Boston Shaker Tin 15 OZ / 44 cl - Rustfri stål
Boston Shaker Tin 15 OZ / 44 cl - Rustfri stål
Boston Shaker Tin 15 OZ / 44 cl - Stainless steel
29 kr
51% off
Julip Cocktail Strainer Kobber
Julip Cocktail Strainer Copper
Sale price
49 kr
List price
99 kr
34% off
Boston Shaker Tin 53 cl - 18 OZ
Boston Shaker Tin 53 cl - 18 OZ
Sale price
39 kr
List price
59 kr
Boston shaker tin 59 cl  / 20 OZ
Boston shaker tin 59 cl / 20 OZ
45 kr
Collison Cocktail Ske 45 cm
Collison Cocktail Spoon 45 cm - stainless steel
115 kr
12-pak Støvhætter - Universal - til brede skænkepropper
12-pack Dust caps - Universal - for wide pour sprouts
19 kr
51% off
Boston Shaker 82 cl - 28 OZ - Blå - Powder - kun tin - Cocktail Served #
Boston Shaker 82 cl - 28 OZ - Blue - Powder
Sale price
49 kr
List price
99 kr

Explore Essential Bar Equipment for Unique Drinks

Bar equipment is a critical component of any bar and plays a defining role in how drinks are created and presented. In our collection you will find a wide selection of bar equipment that includes everything from shakers to strainers , bar spoons , limesqueezers and jiggers .

Offering the perfect balance between functionality and style, our shakers are designed to mix drinks to perfection. We understand that each drink requires a unique approach, which is why we have shakers to suit every need, whether it's aerodynamics or a creamy consistency you want to achieve.

Invite your guests to a memorable cocktail experience with top-class bar equipment that turns every preparation into a work of art. Explore our collection and discover how the right bar equipment can transform your bar and improve the guest experience.