Strainers, Howthorne, Julip og double strainers

Collection: Strainers

The Perfect Finish for Your Cocktails

Give your cocktails the final fine touch with our selection of strainers. Our strainers are the key tool to ensure that no unwanted ingredients reach the glass while preserving the flavor and aroma. Whether you're making classic cocktails or creative creations, our strainers will help filter ice and pulp for a smooth and refreshing experience. Upgrade your bartending experience and serve flawless cocktails with our reliable and elegant strainers. Choose quality and precision - choose our strainers today.

0 kr"> 0 kr
59 kr"> 59 kr
Product type
7 products
100% off
Cocktail Fine Strainer 8 cm
Cocktail Fine Strainer 8 cm
59 kr
40% off
Cocktail Strainer - 4 Øre - Rustfri stål
Cocktail Strainer - 4 Ear - Stainless steel
Sale price
15 kr
List price
25 kr
29% off
Cocktail Strainer - Howthorne -
Cocktail Strainer - Howthorne -
Cocktail Strainer - Hawthorne - 4 cents
Sale price
25 kr
List price
35 kr
66% off
Barske Cocktail med rød knop 28 cm / 11 inch
Harsh Cocktail with red knob 28 cm / 11 inch
Sale price
10 kr
List price
29 kr
Julip Cocktail Strainer - Rustfri stål
Julip Cocktail Strainer - Stainless steel
39 kr
Cocktail Strainer - Howthorne -
Cocktail Strainer - Hawthorne -
35 kr
31% off
Julip Cocktail Strainer Kobber
Julip Cocktail Strainer Copper
Sale price
45 kr
List price
65 kr