
Collection: Chai Series

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55 kr"> 55 kr
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1 product
27% off
ODK Chai Tea Cocktail Sirup 75 cl
ODK Chai Tea Cocktail Syrup 75 cl
Sale price
55 kr
List price
75 kr

Explore ODK's enchanting Chai with Vanilla and Spiced - a sublime union of the rich spices of the East and seductive vanilla, creating an unrivaled symphony of flavours. Our chai blend opens the door to a world of exclusive taste experiences, where each glass is transformed into a masterpiece of divine taste.

This authentic chai blend highlights the intense spice notes and the silky smooth vanilla, opening up an endless creative leeway. Whether you want to elevate your morning chai latte to new heights, add an exotic twist to your cocktails, or simply want to enjoy a hot and spicy tea, ODK's Chai with Vanilla and Spiced is the ideal choice.

Add an extraordinary dimension to your drinks and make them unforgettable with our Chai with Vanilla and Spiced. Explore the unique fusion of tradition and innovation and let every sip be a culinary journey in itself. Perfect for chai lattes, cocktails, hot drinks and much more. Experiences where each glass is transformed into a masterpiece of divine taste.